Dr Niina Kolehmainen

by | 20 Jul 2022 | Newcastle, Supervisors | 0 comments

Niina KolehmainenEmail: niina.kolehmainen@ncl.ac.uk

Research profile and key clinical specialties

I am a paediatric allied health population scientist, leading research into childhood health behaviours, long-term conditions, and impact on health and wellbeing. I am particularly interested in innovations that support health behaviours to promote life-course health.

My group’s primary focus has, for the past six years, been movement and physical activity behaviours, and related non-pharmacological interventions (NPIs), in under 5s. Our research draws on a range of methods and paradigms, and all our work is interdisciplinary.

I also lead the wider Reproduction, Development and Child Health Theme at Newcastle University Faculty of Medical Sciences. This is a community of around 40 academics across biosciences, clinical and translational medicine and population health, with a mission to maximise life-course health and wellbeing for all through research into early-life events and related interventions.

The Theme provides an exciting, diverse training environment for our students, and allows them to learn to span traditional disciplinary boundaries from early on. I strongly believe that diversity of expertise is core to our collective success.

Two key publications

Possible PhD projects

Proposals that focus on modifiable early life (conception to 5 yrs) events and exposures. Projects that integrate biopsychosocial approaches and multiple methods are particularly encouraged. 

More information

I have a strong track record of supporting, supervising and mentoring diverse clinical academics both locally and nationally, for example, I was an NIHR Academic Training Advocate between 2015 and 2021.

Keywords: Paediatric, childhood, behaviours, activity, NPIs, mobility, reproduction, motor impairments, Niina, Kolehmainen, Newcastle